Sunday, June 8, 2014

Soy... Just say No!

Days like today I want to crawl back into bed and sleep the sickness away. 
Today is one of those bad days..

For the last 15 years I asked EVERY doctor I went to why my glands would swell and become extremely sore. I feel like I have a bouncy ball permanently taking up residence in my throat. Doctors never seemed concerned about it, but it worried me. Since I have changed my eating to the Anti-Inflammatory diet, the gland swelling has only happened one other time and that was when I tested chocolate. 

The funny thing with food testing is that some foods will instantly bring on a reaction, and others will slowly manifest and then hang around for a lonnnng time. 

I tested Soy last sunday with a single serving size of Edamame in the evening. One little serving and all week I have been sick. I am exhausted, my back aches, my glands are swollen and sore. I have gained 5 pounds of water weight due to inflammation. I just don't feel good. I was fine Monday Morning but then later in the afternoon it hit, and hasn't gone away since. It always gives me a sense of false hope when the reaction is delayed. 

"Yeah, another food I can eat... BAM the sickness hits ! Not so fast Holly."

Soy is in Everything. You must read the label on everything  you are going to be putting into your body! 

I have even found soy in chewing gum! What? Really? Is Soy really necessary?
After this discovery it led me to question what else has soy in it that I do not know about? 

I stumbled upon this blogpost that spelled everything out concerning Soy. 

Choosing Voluntary Simplicity: Living with a Soy Allergy

When you go to that post, the list of foods that have soy in them is astounding. 
READ the Food Labels because you never know what ingredients they used to make up that food. 

Most Cooking sprays have soy in them. To solve that problem I bought a Misto. 
I LOVE my Misto. 
Since I am not able to use any oil other than Olive or coconut oil, it was really hard to find a cooking spray that didn't contain a bunch of additives. The Misto solves that problem. You just put your Olive Oil in, pump it up, and spray. 

Here is a link to their awesome cheese-ball commercial if you still aren't convinced that you need one. 

Hopefully after I get off work, I can find a little nap time to rest. Even after diagnosis I still have bad days. However, they are fewer and farther between than they ever were before. I used to feel like this ALL the time. I am so grateful though, that through food testing, I know that Soy is something that I react negatively to. I can do my best to avoid it and feel generally healthy and good the rest of my life. 

Keep fighting the good fight. Hang in there. 

There is always HOPE. 

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